Similarly on the third day, he could cut five huge trees with same zeal. This continued till the sixth day. On the seventh day, the manager went on to supervise the work. The young man failed to cut a single tree since morning. Having observed this, the manager asked the man, "Hey! Young man, why is your performance going down day by day?"The young man replied that; he had been working with same zeal, with same length of time for six consecutive days, even then his performance was dropping everyday.
The manager smiled and asked the man whether did he take out any time to sharpen his axe! The young man confusingly replied that he was so busy in his work that he didn't do anything of that kind.
The manager starred at the young man's eyes and said,
"Please understand, It is important to work harder but it is more important to work sharper."
Are you working Harder or Sharper?
For Further Reading,
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